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PRP Injection Treatment In Waunakee, WI

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PRP Joint Injections Treatment

We are very excited to now offer Perfect PRP™ joint injections. For many years, the classic treatment for joint pain was cortisone injections. But over the last 10 years, we have learned how destructive steroids can be. Perfect PRP is a joint injection that uses your own platelet-rich plasma to regenerate new healthy tissue in your affected joint without the use of harmful steroids. PRP decreases inflammation and pain while growing new tissue in your affected joint. 

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PRP Joint Injections
(platelet-rich plasma)

We are very excited to now offer Perfect PRP™ joint injections. For many years, the classic treatment for joint pain was cortisone injections. But over the last 10 years, we have learned how destructive steroids can be. Perfect PRP is a joint injection that uses your own platelet-rich plasma to regenerate new healthy tissue in your affected joint without the use of harmful steroids. PRP decreases inflammation and pain while growing new tissue in your affected joint. 


For the last 50 years, the classic treatmentof joint pain or injury was an injection of steroids (cortisone). More recently, we have discovered that this may not have been the best option. Over the past 10 years, there have been over 30 articles written about the destructive effects of steroids- it breaks down cartilage and damages tendons.

The best alternative to steroids is Perfect PRP™. Platelet- rich plasma derived from your own blood. It’s “perfect” because we introduce the right nutrients and vitamins into your diet ahead of time and stop anti-inflammatories. This gets your body ready to produce and receive the highest level of platelet-rich plasma.

Perfect PRP™ is a method for preparing platelet-rich plasma, which considers your current state of wellness, and by tweaking it slightly, we make you a regenerative injection (PRP). We use over 20 years of research behind our method so that you are getting the best injection possible. This sets us apart from the other practices performing these types of injections.

Platelet-rich plasma is a regenerative fluid derived from your own blood. We will draw your blood and then spin it in a special centrifuge. We then concentrate the platelets down to a very small amount which will be injected into your painful joint. These platelets release small packets called alpha granules which encourage your tissue to grow new healthy tissue in that joint.

Do you suffer from:
Osteoarthritis of the knee or shoulder?
Tennis Elbow?
Golfers’ Elbow?
Rotator cuff problems?
Achilles’ Tendonitis?
Plantar Fasciitis?

If a condition on the list is something you think you may have, come in for an evaluation and see if the Perfect PRP™ method can make you feel better and get you back to an active lifestyle.
We look forward to helping you become pain free.

Visit our website: www.louraesthetics.com or email agelessatloure@yahoo.com
For more information.

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